Saturday, November 26, 2011

Peer-Driven Learning.

This process actually started with an activity we did in class after reading the first few chapters. I asked the students to list their major (or intended major, as these are almost all first-year students), their hobbies, and their passion. We then discussed how these three things were related to one another, and what skills they learned from one area helped them in the other areas. Basically, we were looking at "soft skills" but also began talking about why some of their chosen majors different so widely from their passions or hobbies. Of course, money came into it, which lead, once again, to a conversation about motivation. I also wanted students to start thinking about their educations more holistically, seeing the connections and relationship between what they do inside and outside of the classroom.  

Today, we went back to that list and I asked them to reflect and discuss in small groups how reading the book has changed their outlook/attitude/thoughts on their major, hobbies, and/or passion. I don't think I've ever had a more fruitful class discussion. Each group was on topic, talking excitedly about what caught their interests and what they were still curious about. Even the students who never look excited, interested, or say much in class were sharing their ideas and observations. Of course, it helps when there is an entire chapter devoted to the educational virtues of video games. But students who were set in their ways (get a degree, get a job, work my job, retire) are now questioning and problematizing those assumptions, especially when it comes to the job training versus "soft skills" elements of their education. But mostly students are showing genuine curiosity and excitement for their upcoming assignment. 
One of the things I was very conscious of doing was not saying to them that they needed to find a "topic" for a paper they were going to write, but instead asked them to think about areas they would like to explore further, or questions they still wanted to find answers to. A lot of the times students seize up when it comes to formal writing assignments, so I wanted to keep them focused on the process rather than simply stressing out about the final step. I also wanted to make sure that their eventual topic is generated by them and not either imposed by me or assumed to be what I want them to write about. 
They're writing a one-page brainstorm of their ideas, questions, and topics they are interested in exploring further. Cathy Davidson talks about the concept of the Epic Win in her book, a gaming term that refers to, among other things, "an unexpected victory for an underdog." We have, in large part, lowered our expectations of our students. But today, in my classes, I saw the potential of these students to do not just better, but do it differently, too. I readily admit that I was skeptical about the possibility of turning all my classes into a peer-driven environment, but today won me over. 
So, a lowly instructor got his students to get excited and animated about learning and (eventually) writing a paper. That is the perfect definition of peer-driven learning win as far as I'm concerned.

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