Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Minority Group Writers Are Marginalised

The roots of marginalisation of the writers of minority group are found in the long-established socio-economc and cultural conventions. Perhaps it would be more correct to say that all weaker sections of the society, including women, Dalits, Negroes and other minorities have been deliberately neglected by the so-called scholars of mainstream literature. The reasons behind such a negligence are more political than literary. The history of human society shows that it has been a place of inequalities at all levels. The dominant groups all over the world are seen exploiting the weaker groups on various pretexts. These pretentions of the ruling class are nothing else but the well-planned strategies to secure their own future by depriving the others. This same strategy is being followed by them for thousands of years. As the minority groups have started to voice their ideas in the form of literature, it would certainly defeat the very purpose of the dominant groups. The only need is to pursue the literary field with renewed vigor and while doing so, giving a helping hand to others who endeavour to tread on this path.

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